What Ya Waiting For?
We all send countless of prayers up to God. Though it is easy to pray to God Waiting on God to do what he said he will do can be so hard. He can tell you he's going to do something and at first it can be so exciting because days go by and your just waiting, but then weeks past and your still waiting and then months past and then you feel like giving up. The scriptures come to help you get by like wait on the Lord, Don't get weary for in due season you will reap, trust in the Lord. Yet as time goes by sometimes it seems like when we are waiting we can't see it getting better it seems like things are only getting worse. Sometimes in our wait we learn lesson during our wait.
Growing up I always felt like there had to be something more out there. There are many days where I would just get an urge to run away. Many days that I gave into my urge to just left. I grew up in the church living with my grandmother who feared God. Yet I did want to serve her God, and I believe Jesus. Always thinking to myself well if there is a God why am I going to these things if there is a God he sure doesn’t love me. Boy, was I wrong because I’m February 13, 2009 at the age of 19 I found out that God had been waiting on me.Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be God? Not just having to deal with one issue like the one I dealt with but billions. God allows himself to be vulnerable and ready to be there for his children. Yet like rebellious child he always gets a door slammed in his face. How could you want to give someone so much love yet they don’t even love you back. They want to go out in the world and hurt themselves with the temptations of the devil. Yet though we go out into the world like we do God still waits for us never giving up on us each day. God has a plan for each and every one of us yet no one can complete your will for your life that God has for you better than you can. Like Jesus no one could bare the cross for our sins except him.God already knows when we are going to leave him. This is heart breaking being a God who love’s someone who knows when you’re about to leave him to go back out to the world. One day someone left me but God warned me two hours before they did. For days I sat there grieving, fasting, praying, and crying I laid there. Until God let a peace sweep over me and told me we can’t be in this place anymore we must have peace and wait for them. How can we wait I thought bitter and angrily “Lord did you just see what they did, I told you I never wanted to love anyone because they leave and now look they did what I was most afraid of.” You think you know heart ache imagine God’s heart ache, imagine how much he cry’s, how much he grieves, how much he wait’s and he wait’s.
Never did I understand why my grandmother would open her door to me and just keep letting my back into her home. Who wants to constantly deal with someone who is always hurting them and hurting themselves as well. After so many people would kick me out, give up on me or let me go how or why someone would want to just keep letting me come back. She knew mercy; she walked with mercy because whenever I did wrong she just took me back like nothing I did ever happen. That’s like God he takes us back and loves us like nothing ever happened.
Prodigal: Foolish
There is so much that come’s in life with waiting on God we are always waiting on God to move and make a difference but it’s rare that we have the patients to wait on God. We always want things here and now. We live in a society where you go out everywhere and get what you want. Yet there will come a point in your life where you can’t always get what you want because it requires God to step in and help you. Look at Sarah in the bible she wanted a son but took things into her own hands because she couldn’t do it herself God had to do it for her. Sarah’s womb was barren and God is the only one who could open her womb up so that she could get pregnant and have a baby. Yet God was able to work in her life to give her a son it just required her to wait on him. For example when little kid are trying to reach for something on the shelf that is out of their reach. Some try to get it themselves and end up causing a mess around them. Other’s go get there parent and the parent goes and gets it right away. Yet some parents will require the child to wait a while because we always learn a lesson in times of waiting.There are many lessons that we can learn during those times of waiting. When God tells you what he wants to do with your life you can always learn how to be better within yourself to prepare you for what God wants to give you. When God tells people what he has for their life they will usually try to rush it. We must know that God has timing for everything so we must wait for his perfect timing.We must also understand that love waits because when you really love someone you wait for them. You’re always welcomed to come home is what my grandmother always tells me. No matter how far a stray, what I get into, what other people feel about me, no matter how she may feel about me, even in my moments of sin. Yet just like God he does the same he loves us unconditionally and so he waits! The best story I can think about that can talks about how true love waits is the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11-19In the beginning of this parable the younger son had asked God to give him his portion of his inheritance. First off he started off the wrong way because he asked for what was his in a time in which he was not yet ready for it. We can ask things from God in which he has for us in a time in which we are not yet ready for it.
It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found. Luke 15:32
Don't give up though because everything had its on season. ( Look Up: Ecclesiastes 3:1)Just keep waiting, praying,hopeing,loving and serving God. Wait on God!!
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